C# and java was derived from c++ therefore they have similar
roots.C# has borrowed some features from java. However, there exist a numbers
of differences between c# and Java.
Java uses Static final to
declare a class constant
C# uses CONST
Java does not support struct
Its support struct type
Java does not support operator overloading
Its support operator overloading
Class members are virtual by default and a method name in a derived
class overrides the base class member
In C# the base member is required to have the virtual keyword and the derived member is required to use the override keyword
In java parameters are always passed by value
It allows parameters to be passed by reference by using ref keyword
In java switch statement can have only integer expression
C# support either an integer or string expression
Java uses instanceof
operator instead of is operator in C#
C# uses is operator
instead of instanceof operator in
In java ,all c# data types are objects
C# has more primitive data
Java does not support directly on enumerations
C# supports enumerations