In this article we split a large whitespace using regular
Normally if we use normal split function using white space,
it separate by each white space character..But by using regular expression, its
very easy to split string using whit space..
Here I illustrate an example by code…
We have string like this…
Dim str As String = "1234567
12345 678594"
We want to separate only the numbers, In that case normal split
function won’t help us…For that we for or regex expression.
str As String = "1234567
12345 678594"
Dim str1 As String()
Dim rgs As
Regex = New Regex(" +")
str1 = rgs.Split(str)
The result the sr1 contains only 3 array. By using this regex
pattern (“ +”), it easy to avoid the
extra white space.
I hope you enjoy this method to split a string in large
white space……….