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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hope and Love

I would like to share my favourite on my reading book

Hope is not just another four letter word. It is perhaps, together with love, the most powerful emotion known to us. If Love makes the world go round. Hope keeps us going on forever. Even in the worst of times, it is Hope that keeps us alive. Hope make us believe in a better tomorrow and it is Hope that give courage to face all odds. As it is said Hope is lost, all is lost.

So when we are caught with vortex of thoughts such as :I am not good looking, so I cannot win her; I cannot get that job as I cannot do a good presentation; or I will never be able to complete my studies as I do not have finances, think of Hope.

Think of this quotation
It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.


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