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Sunday, July 21, 2013

ASP.Net Interview Questions Part 1

What are the best practices to follow to secure connection strings in an ASP.NET web application?
1. Always store connection strings in the site's Web.config file. Web.config is very secure. Users will not be able to access web.config from the browser.
2. Do not store connection strings as plain text. To help keep the connection to your database server secure, it is recommended that you encrypt connection string information in the configuration file.
3. Never store connection strings in an aspx page.
4. Never set connection strings as declarative properties of the SqlDataSource control or other data source controls.

Why is "Connecting to SQL Server using Integrated Security" considered a best practice?
Connecting to SQL Server using integrated security instead of using an explicit user name and password, helps avoid the possibility of the connection string being compromised and your user ID and password being exposed.

What is the advantage of storing an XML file in the applications App_Data folder? The contents of the App_Data folder will not be returned in response to direct HTTP requests.

What is Script injection? 
A script injection attack attempts to send executable script to your application with the intent of having other users run it. A typical script injection attack sends script to a page that stores the script in a database, so that another user who views the data inadvertently runs the code.

What is SQL injection?
A SQL injection attack attempts to compromise your database by creating SQL commands that are executed instead of, or in addition to, the commands that you have built into your application.

What are the best practices to keep in mind when accepting user input on a web application?
 Always use validation controls whenever possible to limit user input to acceptable values.
2. Always check the IsValid property of the aspx page. Run the server side code only if the IsValid property value is true. A value of false means that one or more validation controls have failed a validation check.
3. Always perform server side validation irrespective of client side validation being performed or not. This will protect your web application even if the client has by passed the client side validation by disabling javascript in the web browser.
4. Also make sure to re validate user input in the business logic layer of your application.

What are the steps to follow to avoid Script Injection attacks?
 Encode user input with the HtmlEncode method. This method turns HTML into its text representation.
2. If you are using the GridView control with bound fields, set the BoundField object's HtmlEncode property to true. This causes the GridView control to encode user input when the row is in edit mode.

What are the steps to follow to avoid SQL Injection attacks?
Always use parameterized queries or stored procedures instead of creating SQL commands by concatenating strings together.

Can you encrypt view state data of an aspx page? 
Yes, you encrypt view state data of an aspx page by setting the page's ViewStateEncryptionMode property to true.

Master Pages-

What are Master Pages in ASP.NET? or What is a Master Page?
ASP.NET master pages allow you to create a consistent layout for the pages in your application. A single master page defines the look and feel and standard behavior that you want for all of the pages (or a group of pages) in your application. You can then create individual content pages that contain the content you want to display. When users request the content pages, they merge with the master page to produce output that combines the layout of the master page with the content from the content page.

What are the 2 important parts of a master page?
The following are the 2 important parts of a master page
1. The Master Page itself
2. One or more Content Pages

Can Master Pages be nested?
Yes, Master Pages be nested.

What is the file extension for a Master Page?

How do you identify a Master Page?
The master page is identified by a special @ Master directive that replaces the @ Page directive that is used for ordinary .aspx pages.

Can a Master Page have more than one ContentPlaceHolder?
Yes, a Master Page can have more than one ContentPlaceHolder

What is a ContentPlaceHolder?
ContentPlaceHolder is a region where replaceable content will appear.

How do you bind a Content Page to a Master Page?
MasterPageFile attribute of a content page's @ Page directive is used to bind a Content Page to a Master Page.

Can the content page contain any other markup outside of the Content control?

What are the advantages of using Master Pages?
1. They allow you to centralize the common functionality of your pages so that you can make updates in just one place.
2. They make it easy to create one set of controls and code and apply the results to a set of pages. For example, you can use controls on the master page to create a menu that applies to all pages.
3. They give you fine-grained control over the layout of the final page by allowing you to control how the placeholder controls are rendered.
4. They provide an object model that allows you to customize the master page from individual content pages.

What are the 3 levels at which content pages can be attached to Master Page?
At the page level - You can use a page directive in each content page to bind it to a master page

At the application level - By making a setting in the pages element of the application's configuration file (Web.config), you can specify that all ASP.NET pages (.aspx files) in the application automatically bind to a master page.

At the folder level - This strategy is like binding at the application level, except that you make the setting in a Web.config file in one folder only. The master-page bindings then apply to the ASP.NET pages in that folder.

What is @MasterType directive used for?
@MasterType directive is used to create a strongly typed reference to the master page.

Are controls on the master page accessible to content page code?
Yes, controls on the master page are accessible to content page code.

At what stage of page processing master page and content page are merged?
During the initialization stage of page processing, master page and content page are merged.

Can you dynaimically assign a Master Page?
Yes, you can assign a master page dynamically during the PreInit stage using the Page class MasterPageFile property as shown in the code sample below.
void Page_PreInit(Object sender, EventArgs e)
this.MasterPageFile = "~/MasterPage.master";

Can you access non public properties and non public methods of a master page inside a content page?
No, the properties and methods of a master page must be public in order to access them on the content page.

From the content page code how can you reference a control on the master page?
Use the FindControl() method as shown in the code sample below.
void Page_Load()
// Gets a reference to a TextBox control inside
// a ContentPlaceHolder
ContentPlaceHolder ContPlaceHldr = (ContentPlaceHolder)Master.FindControl ("ContentPlaceHolder1");
if(ContPlaceHldr != null)
TextBox TxtBox = (TextBox)ContPlaceHldr.FindControl("TextBox1");
if(TxtBox != null)
TxtBox.Text = "TextBox Present!";
// Gets a reference to a Label control that not in
// a ContentPlaceHolder
Label Lbl = (Label)Master.FindControl("Label1");
if(Lbl != null)
Lbl.Text = "Lable Present";

Can you access controls on the Master Page without using FindControl() method?
Yes, by casting the Master to your MasterPage as shown in the below code sample.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MyMasterPage MMP = this.Master;
MMP.MyTextBox.Text = "Text Box Found";


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